Monday, February 3, 2014


I am excited to announce that I will be moving out of my current office in Northwest Portland and into a brand new location in Northeast Portland. Benefits of making this transition include:

·       more daily and weekly availability for client appointments,
·       greater scope of services (adding focus groups for clients and professionals),
·       increased client privacy,
·       easy access to public transportation and increased parking,
·       increased access to additional medical providers.

Client appointments will begin at this office starting Monday, Feb 24

Please visit for the most current and up-to-date information. 

In addition to this move to a new office location, February and March will see a host of presentations and workshops that I am honored to have been invited to participate in and present at:
·       February 2-7 West Coast Post Trauma Retreat
·       February 12-14: Northwest Peer Support Conference
·       March 7-9: A Head of Healing Veteran Retreat

Susan Cain: The Power of Introverts. 

This brief 20 minute cider spent a lengthy amount of time on my website. Those who consider themselves to be introverted possess a significant amount of creativity, intuition and leadership abilities of their own which oftentimes may go unnoticed.

Learn a bit more about what speaker Susan Cain has to say about the special characteristics of introverts and how these individuals make a significant contribution to our daily lives.