Monday, July 22, 2013

Mindfulness Challenge: Week Seven: Acceptance

While at first glance, acceptance may seem like a more accomplishable notion than others in this challenge, but you may soon find that it is more challenging than originally anticipated. Acceptance is the acknowledgement of all aspects of a situation; the truth. While one does not necessarily have to LIKE each and every aspect, one may find great benefits to merely acknowledging them as true and accepting them. Oftentimes we may experience a hang-up through attachment to a particular outcome. This attachment to outcomes is what may cause us to suffer instead of accepting things for what they really are and moving on. 

Oftentimes, acceptance follows a period of intense emotional turmoil or anger. It is this struggle and suffering that depletes our energy and moves us from a place of balance to imbalance. 12-Step teachings state that "acceptance is the answer to all our problems" (AA Big Book, p449). Whether or not you are a 12-Stepper, there is certainly some truth to this idea. It urges to us to let go our attachments to outcomes that WE desire, that fit US, and to go with the flow. 

How long have you been swimming up stream instead of letting the river take you to where it wants you to go? 

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