Sunday, January 6, 2013


The New Year is a time for transitions. Many people make a commitment, or a resolution, to change something about themselves in the coming year. Interestingly enough, a majority of individuals fail to follow their resolution to fruition. Why is this? Is it because the work of change becomes to difficult to bear? Is it because the novelty of the change has worn off, and returning to old habits and behaviors is less burdensome? Or is it because we just plain forget what we promised ourselves on Jan 31?

Transitions are hard; and, saying that they are sometimes difficult may be a bit of an understatement. Learning to take the good with the bad may oftentimes feel like a moot game. But what if the ultimate goal is not simply from the change from A to B itself, but from the lessons learned and the insights gained as a result of, or lack of, that change?

So often do we fail to reflect on these lessons, and only observe the gain or loss of a goal. In this time of a the new year, I challenge us all to reflect upon the latent meaning to our resolutions for change. Why is this important for me? What is truly significant about this goal which have I set for myself? What will it mean when I achieve it? What will it mean if I don't.

Don't forget: the Stress Reduction Group begins Monday January 14 at 5:30 pm. If you are interested, check out the link posted below to my Psychology Today page. Pre-registration is required.

Stress Reduction Group - Information

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