Have you ever played with a Chinese Finger Trap? It's a small tube in which you insert both index fingers and they become stuck. The harder you attempt to pull them apart the more solidly the trap holds your fingers. So how does one release their fingers from this annoying toy?
The concept of non striving is somewhat like a Chinese Finger Trap. Have you ever pushed to try to achieve something so badly or pulled someone along a path which he or she was not willing to follow? What happened? Was the reward worth the work? As events are meant to happen they will happen and it will most often times not be on our own time.
This week's mindfulness challenge is to practice non-striving. This does not grant allowance to be lazy, but it asserts the notion of "what is is and what will be will be". Do not attempt to push or pull events to occur. Just let them occur as they will.
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